#Skin elasticity (R2)
- The measured value of skin elasticity in the test site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 8.621% immediately, 2.665% 4weeks, 4.859% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of skin elasticity in the control site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 7.524% immediately, 1.567% 4weeks, 3.292% 8weeks after use
compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of the skin elasticity in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at immediately, 4weeks,8 weeks after use.
#Skin texture, (Ra, A.U)
- The measured value of skin texture in the test site significantly decreased (p<0.05) at 9.021% 4weeks, 15.327% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of skin texture in the control site significantly decreased (p<0.05) at 4.919% 4weeks, 9.355% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of skin texture in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at 4weeks,8 weeks after use.

Skin Texture Elasticity

Skin Texture
#Skin Dehydration(PWC, %)
- The measured value of Inner skin moisture in the test site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 2.327% 4weeks, 4.440% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of Inner skin moisture in the control site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 0.802% 4weeks, 1.628% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of Inner skin moisture in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at 4weeks,8 weeks after use.
#Skin moisture (A.U)
- The measured value of skin moisture in the test site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 8.553% 4weeks, 14.420% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of skin moisture in the control site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 6.075% 4weeks, 10.833% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of skin moisture in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the
two groups at 4weeks,8 weeks after use.

Skin Dehydration

Skin Moisture
#Skin Radiance (Intensity)
- The measured value of skin glowin the test site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 0.714% 4weeks, 1.310% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of skin glow in the control site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 0.451% 4weeks, 0.878% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of skin glow in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at 4weeks,8 weeks after use.
#Skin tone (L-value)
- The measured value of skin tone in the test site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 0.813% 4weeks, 1.394% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of skin tone in the control site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 0.485% 4weeks, 0.809% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of skin tone in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at 4weeks,8 weeks after use.

Skin Radiance

Skin Tone
#Wrinkle (Crow’s feet), (mm)
- The measured value of crow’s feet in the test site significantly decreased (p<0.05) at 9.091% 4weeks, 14.773% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of crow’s feet in the control site significantly decreased (p<0.05) at 5.618% 4weeks, 11.236% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of crow’s feet in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at 4weeks,8 weeks after use.
#Skin lifting (around the eyes), (mm)
- The measured value of skin lifting (around the eyes) in the test site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 1.115% immediately,2.446%4weeks,3.796%8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of skin lifting (around the eyes) in the control site
significantly increased (p<0.05) at 0.910% immediately, 1.663%4weeks, 2.513%
8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of skin lifting (around the eyes) in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at immediately, 4weeks,8 weeks after use.

Smile line lifting

Eye lifting
#Skin lifting, (mm)
- The measured value of skin lifting (cheek) in the test site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 0.832% immediately, 1.865% 4weeks, 2.656% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of skin lifting (cheek)in the control site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 0.672% immediately, 1.318% 4weeks, 1.840% 8weeks after use
compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of skin lifting (Cheek) in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at immediately, 4weeks,8 weeks after use.
#Skin Tissue elasticity (Ur/Ue)
- The measured value of Inner skin elasticity in the test site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 23.380% immediately, 7.042% 4weeks, 15.775% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of Inner skin elasticity in the control site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 19.143% immediately, 3.714% 4weeks, 9.714% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of the Inner skin elasticity in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at immediately, 4weeks,8 weeks after use.

Eye wrinkles

Skin Tissue Elasticity
#Skin density (%)
- The measured value ofskin density in the test site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 4.421% 4weeks, 7.808% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of skin density in the control site significantly increased (p<0.05) at 1.709% 4weeks, 3.213% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of skin density in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at 4weeks,8 weeks after use.
#Skin texture, (Ra, A.U)
- The measured value of skin texture in the test site significantly decreased (p<0.05) at 9.021% 4weeks, 15.327% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The measured value of skin texture in the control site significantly decreased
(p<0.05) at 4.919% 4weeks, 9.355% 8weeks after use compared to before use.
- The comparison between the group of the amount of change of skin texture in the test site and control site, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two groups at 4weeks,8 weeks after use.

Skin Density